I originally won a Coopers home brew kit in a radio competition and you had to brew a beer to be judged at a competition held at a local restaurant.
Mine was crap and didn't get a mention at all. In fact I think they just tossed it.
A few years later I decided to give it another go. A standard K and K (Coopers can of extract and yeast in the lid kit with a kilo of sugar) but once again I wasn't very happy with the results.
I thought there must be a way to make decent home brewed beer or it would have died out a long time ago. So after a bit of Googling I stumbled across the holy grail of home brewing...
Aussie home brewer
Here these guys were making real beer using malted grains and hops and boiling sugary liquids. So using a method that is very popular with "all grain" brewers called "Brew in a bag" or BIAB for short I was soon after drinking my first all grain home brewed beer..... And let me tell you it was absolutely fantastic.
I don't know if it was beginners luck or maybe the home brew gods just wanted me to get a good start and not be disheartened, after my previous failed attempts at home brewing, but it still ranks up there with one of the best beers I've ever brewed.
So as they say the rest is history and I've since grown my brewery from a simple 20 litre pot to a 3V system with Herms, which I will detail in my brewery posts.
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